New Here?
Welcome to First Christian Church in Missoula! We are so glad to have you visiting us. We are a multi-generational congregation that has been here in Missoula for 138 years. We continue to move forward seeking how to best serve our creator and others in Missoula and around the world. We know that looking for a Church to call home can be difficult, churches can be intimidating and with all the stuff going around about churches, it just makes things so difficult. So, we hope that through this page, and our website, you can find out a bit more about us and perhaps visit us in person someday.
At FCC Missoula, our worship is probably considered more on the traditional side (not fully!), but we have fun in worship. When entering the church on a Sunday morning, you will find yourself in the main hallway of the church (more commonly called a Narthex in 'church' lingo). If you make your way to the north end of the building (towards the DQ & Le Schwab) you will find our sanctuary.
Outside our sanctuary, there should be someone there to greet you and give you an order of worship (that paper that gives an outline of worship).
If you would find a better worship experience with fidget bubbles or coloring (for kidz or adults), you can find activity items outside the sanctuary!!
After you have your order of worship, head on in to the sanctuary and find a seat. We don't have reserved seating and people usually don't get upset if you sit in their regular spot.
While waiting for worship to start, feel free to talk to people around you or if that isn't comfortable, play on your phone, look up the songs in the song book or read scripture. You could also look through the sanctuary window into our meditation garden.
When worship begins, we generally follow the order of worship. There are times of sitting and times of standing (generally you will be invited to stand if able and willing).
Eventually we will get to communion in our worship service. Pastor Mat will break the bread and one of our Elders will pray over the meal. After that, everyone is invited to partake, and we mean everyone. We know that the table is Jesus' table, so we have no authority to deny anyone a place. If you cannot make it up to the front to partake, remain seated and a member of our worship team will bring communion to you.
When worship ends, we have a coffee hour in our fellowship hall (right across from the sanctuary) where you can grab some coffee and a snack and get the opportunity to talk with others.
Make sure to fill out a connect card so we can connect with you!.
Things to Know
How to Dress for worship:
We are a pretty casual congregation, wear your regular clothes or dress up for the occasion. It doesn't matter!
A Welcoming Congregation:
We believe that everyone should be able to come together and worship Jesus. Our pastor strives to use inclusive language and we allow anyone to serve in any role in the church, as long as they are called and affirmed. Our faith community has a wide range of faith views, so know that there is a place for you here.
How to Join:
If you are interested in joining the congregation, we have a time in our worship you can come forward or if that is a bit to much for you, reach out to Pastor Mat and he will get it sorted. We welcome anyone who comes by confession of faith in Jesus as a new believer or a transfer of membership from another church.