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Mathew Goodrich

Mat is a Commissioned Minister with the Northern Lights Region of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). He is a lifelong Disciple who felt called to Ministry in late 2018 and began his seminary journey in 2019 at Lexington Theological Seminary. He currently holds a graduate certificate in Pastoral Ministry and is completing a Master of Divinity. Upon completing his degree, he will be Ordained as a Minister in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). 

Mat believes that everyone receives God's Love and that God/Jesus calls for us to share this Love with others. He believes that scripture is a representation of people's interaction with the divine but that the Bible is not to be taken literally (as that was not generally the style of those who wrote the Bible), but instead is to be studied to help us understand God's will and Love through the experience of those who have come before.


Mat Chairs the regional Faith Formation Team and serves on the Anti-Racism/Pro-Reconciliation team. Through his work on these teams he directs and counsels at Church Camps, leads at various meetings and helps to educate others. In addition to regional commissions and team, Mat serves as Vice President of board for Cane Ridge West Conference and Retreat Center (partially owned by FCC Missoula) and is currently part of the Proclamation Project through the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada.

In addition to ministry, Mat works as an Emergency Dept. Technician and a Volunteer Fire Fighter/EMT.  He enjoys swimming, reading, movies, video games and being out in nature.  He previously studied theatre at the University of Montana and is an alumni of Sigma Nu Fraternity. Mat Also currently is part of the Missoula Lion's Club.

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What is Pastor Mat Reading (church wise)?
  • Telling the Truth: The Gospel as Tragedy, Comedy and Fairy Tale.
    • Frederick Buechner 1977
  • Leading Small Groups that Thrive
    • Hartwig et al, 2020
  • The Wounded Healer
    • Nouwen, 1979
*denotes seminary text
What is Pastor Mat Reading (for fun)?
  • The Nominee: A Novel
    • Kinnamon, 2024
  • Settlers: Darkthorn Academy
    • Wideman
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