With anyone who knows FCC Missoula, you probably know that we do fair parking every year as a fundraiser for our budget. Through the efforts of volunteers in our congregation, we manage both our front and back lots to rent spaces for $10/space. This year ended up being quite successful.
At the beginning of fair, my goal had been to set up a "booth" at the corner of our property (by the bell tower) and have informational material on our congregation as well as some fun games and the likes. Unfortunately (or perhaps not), I only got about 2 days of doing this before I needed to switch gears to helping with parking (we were really short on volunteers on Friday). Now, instead of giving up everything, I just moved the informational table down to the back parking lot tent and did not set up the dunk bucket. I had a great time doing the parking, I got to talk with some people who would not have talked to me otherwise (several people avoided the minister sitting at the corner table lol). It was also a great time of being together with several congregants where we just got to sit and talk about life and other things.
This opportunity has really inspired me and has set me with a goal to try and arrange times to meet up with various members of the congregation to just chat or check in. Perhaps we can get coffee, perhaps we can go for a walk or share a meal. I feel that perhaps I have gotten so caught up in some of the administrative features of my job that I not been doing as much pastoral care as I probably could. I am looking forward to how this may help us as a faith community and I hope that we have a great fall!! It is amazing what parking cars can do for the spirit.
